Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche
Dzogchen Retreat and Inner Green Tara Empowerment

Garrison Institute
August 25-30, 2017


Inner green tara empowerment-August 26

On Saturday, August 26, the first full day of the Garrison retreat, Rinpoche will bestow the Inner Green Tara empowerment. 

Attendance for the single day is possible. The pre-registered fee for the day is $90, which includes all meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. You are highly encouraged to pre-register, since Garrison needs to plan how much food to prepare. Garrison policy is that there is an extra $50 fee for showing up on the day without pre-registering.

This pricing does not include a room fee, and Garrison is not offering single night accommodation. Of course, people are more than welcome to register for the full retreat if they would like to do so.

Please contact for more details.

dzogchen retreat-August 25-30

The Buddha teaches us that we each possess, as our true nature, a pure, all-encompassing wisdom far more profound than we can possibly imagine. Through the practice of Dzogchen, we can come to recognize the unimpeded nature of our own mind and embody our innate compassionate essence. The purpose of the retreat, designed for both beginners and advanced practitioners, is to introduce us to this natural state that has, in fact, always been with us. Rinpoche will then impart simple, yet powerful, guidance that will allow us to train, step by step, in unfolding our innate essence. The Garrison Institute provides a perfect setting for this intensive Dzogchen meditation retreat which will allow retreat participants to be able to bring this practice to life in their everyday experience.